
Ysgol Glannau Gwaun

O'n Gorau Daw Goleuni

Bl. 6 Mrs Lawrence

Newyddion cyffrous - rydym wedi cael eu dewis i fod yn rhan o'r prosiect "Rocket Science". Fel rhan o hynny rydym wedi cael 2 pecyn o hadau i blannu, mae un o'r pecynnau wedi dod o'r Safle Gofod Rhyngwladol oddiwrth TIm Peake. Rydym ni wedi plannu'r hadau a nawr mae eisiau i ni edrych ar ôl nhw a recordio beth sy'n digwydd dros y 5 wythnosau nesaf. Rydym ni eisiau gweld a oes wahaniaeth rhwng yr hadau sydd wedi dod o'r gofod a'r rhai sydd ddim.


Exciting news - we have been chosen to take part in the project "Rocket Science". As part of this process we have received 2 packets of seeds to plant, one of the packets has come from the International Space Station from Tim Peake. We have planted the seeds and now we must look after then and record what happens over the next 5 weeks. We want to see what the difference is between the seeds that came from space and the ones that didn't.

Mrs. Lawrence Bl.6


Welcome to Mrs Lawrence’s Class – Year 6 Welsh 2015/16

Spring Term

Last term our topic was MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.

Language: We have spent time looking at persuasive writing, writing a diary, converting narrative into a playscript, writing a News Report and creative writing. The children have also been developing their ICT skills by creating POWERPOINTS and posters using COMIC LIFE.

Maths: In Maths we have covered many skills. The children have particularly enjoyed studying coordinates and have confidently reflected and translated shapes. Pupils have also been given the opportunity to work on MATHLETICS once a week, which we would like to encourage them to use at home.

Theme: All have enjoyed topics covered during theme activities. We have covered Tim Peake and the I.S.S. Space and Planets. Pupils have been developing their creativity by painting using acrylics and drawing using pastels, whilst listening to music. They have also created a musical piece simulating a rocket launching and landing.


The children were visited by Carwyn Phillips and Eirian Thomas regarding Safer Internet use and keeping safe in the community.

Pat Truss and Mandy Lacey, the School Nurses, visited Year 5 and 6 to discuss growing up.

Ric-A-Do entertained the children with traditional Welsh Folk songs. 

Marc Griffiths visited the school presenting a fun assembly on Believing in Your Dreams.


Area Eisteddfod:

Duet – 1st

Recitation group– 3rd

Singing party – 1st

County Eisteddfod

Duet– 2nd

Singing party – 3rd

Adran Choir – 1st

Dance Eisteddfod:                                     

Creative group – 2nd

Jacob Hancock took part in the Instrumental Eisteddfod and in the Valero Music Festival with his Euphonium.


Next term:

We are looking forward to studying the topic OUR SQUARE MILE.

Some important information to remember:-

P.E. Thursday - please remember kit

Encourage your child to read daily, this can include comics, magazines, research on the internet and newspapers.

Please become confident with your times tables.

Mrs. Lawrence Bl.6


Croeso i ddosbarth Mrs Lawrence - Blwyddyn 6 Cymraeg 2015/16

                                 Tymor y Gwanwyn

Thema y tymor oedd “Bydded y nerth gyda chi”.

Rydym wedi bod yn astudio:

Iaith: ysgrifennu dyddiadur; ysgrifennu creadigol; ysgrifennu llythyr a poster i berswadio; troi stori naratif mewn i sgript; adroddiad newyddion; adroddiad i gymharu darnau o waith celf; recordio trafodaith grwp .

Mathemateg: Rydym wedi gweithio ar amrywiaeth o sgiliau, yn benodol mae’r plant wedi mwynhau gwaith ar ffactorau a lluosrifau; cyfesurynnau; ffracsiynau, degolion a chanrannau; dulliau llusosi; gwerth lle; adlewyrchu a chyfieithu. Mae’r plant yn cael cyfle i weithio ar Mathletics, rydym yn annog y plant i’w ddefnyddio adref.  

Thema: astudio Tim Peake, y planedau a’r gofod; sut mae pengwiniaid yn cadw’n dwym; mae’r plant wedi bod yn datblygu ei sgiliau TGCh trwy wneud pwerbwyntiau; cyfansoddi darn o gerddoriaeth yn seiliedig ar y gofod; y groegwyr; datblygu sgiliau creadigol trwy ddefnyddio pasteli olew a paent acrylig.


Cafodd y plant ymweliad gan PCSO’s Carwyn Phillips a Eirian Thomas i siarad am gadw’n ddiogel ar y wê ac yn y gymuned.

Daeth Pat Truss a Mandy Lacey, nyrsys yr ysgol, allan i gael trafodaith am dyfu i fyny.

Cawsom ni adloniant gyda Ric-a-do yn canu a pherfformio hen ganueon Gwerin Cymru.

Ymwelodd Marc Griffiths â’r ysgol er mwyn gwneud gwasanaeth hwylus ar gredu yn eich hunan.



Eisteddfod Gylch:

Deuawd – 1af

Parti Llefaru – 3ydd

Parti Unsain – 1af

Eisteddfod Sir:

Deuawd – 2ail

Parti Unsain – 3ydd

Côr Adran – 1af

Eisteddfod Dawns:                                     

Grwp Creadigol – 2ail

Cymerodd Jacob Hancock rhan yn y Cystadleuaeth Cerdd Valero a’r Eisteddfod offerynnol gyda’i euphonium.

Tymor nesaf

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i astudio ein thema newydd sef “Y Filltir Sgwar”.

Pethau pwysig i’w gofio

Ymarfer corff ar ddydd Iau.

Profion sillafu ar ddydd Llun.

Gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn annog eich plentyn i ddarllen yn ddyddiol, gan gynnwys llyfrau darllen, cylchgronnau, ymchwilio ar y wê a phapurau newyddion.

Cofiwch mae rhaid fod yn hyderus gyda’ch tablau. 
